The History and
Technology of Parchment Making
Meliora di
- Introduction
There have
been many different materials used as writing
media throughout the history of human evolution.
These have included stones, clay tablets,
bricks, bark, wood, papyrus, linen, wax tablets,
metal, ivory, bone, leather and paper (Reed,
1972, p. 1).
In the
recent times, the three main forms of writing
media used above all else are papyrus, parchment
and paper. This paper will concentrate mainly on
parchment but will discuss the overlap of the
other two forms where applicable.
- What
is Parchment?
is the processing of animal skins to produce
a hard, durable, white material of even
opacity and uniform thickness which will take
pigments, inks and dyes in a suitable manner
for writing (Kenyon, 1932, p. 87). Parchment
is a specially prepared skin which is not
tanned (Gansser, 1950, p. 2941).
animal skins are wet, covered in a lime
solution, the hair removed, the skins placed
back in the lime, the lime then washed off
and the wet skin stretched and dried. While
drying a number of different pre-treatments
such as pumice and chalk were sometimes
rubbed into the surface of the wet skin
(Hunter, 1943, p. 14).
versus Parchment
There appears to be conflicting reports
as to the definitions of these terms. Some
authorities state that parchment made only
from calfskin is known as vellum, while all
other animals form parchment (Wheelock, 1928,
p. 5). Other authorities state that vellum
specifically refers to uterine parchment
(Rudin, 1990, p. 10). Other authorities state
that vellum refers to high quality parchment
only. Reed (1975, p. 79) sums up this dilemma
best when he states both terms seem
equally valid. To avoid confusion, this
paper only uses the term parchment, except
when directly quoting another
- History
- Leather
and Skin
As early
as the late Assyrian period (8th Century BC)
the inhabitants of Mesopotamia preferred
animal hides to clay tablets for writing, and
according to Herodotus, wrote on unhaired
sheep and goat skins (Gansser, 1950, p.
2941). Inscriptions from Denderah state:
after the finding of decayed leather rolls
from the days of King Kheops (c. 2575 BC)
(Reed, 1972, p. 4).
simplified tanning process used to make
leather (see section 3.1) created
difficulties in drying the wet leather to a
smooth, flat sheet free of wrinkles and
undulations (Reed, 1975, p. 40) which
detracted from their widespread use, leaving
papyrus the dominant writing media (Reed,
1975, p. 37).
(1928, p. 4) refers to a manuscript on the
Sorbonne of Paris that was apparently written
on tanned human skin. This item has not been
corroborated by any other readings for this
- Parchment
In the
second century BC a library was set up at
Pergamum in Asia Minor by King Eumenes II.
Pliny wrote in his Natural History, Book
XIII, passage XXI:
also according to Varro, when owing to the
rivalry between King Ptolemy and King Eumenes
about their libraries, Ptolemy suppressed the
export of Papyrus, parchment was invented at
Pergamum and afterwards the employment of the
material on which the immortality of human
beings depends, spread indiscriminately."
(Reed, 1975, p7)
significant innovation at Pergamum was that
by simplifying the liquor bath and drying the
pelt in a stretched state, it led to the
creation of extremely durable, smooth taut
sheets of uniform opacity of a pale colour
known as parchment (Reed, 1975, p.
In 1909
two parchment documents were discovered at
Avroman in Kurdistan, which bear dates
equivalent to 88 BC and 22BC. Also in 1923
excavations at the site of the Roman fortress
of Dura discovered more parchment documents
which correspond to the dates of 189-196 BC.
This leads some authorities to believe that
parchment was in use before the time of the
Pergamum library, and the Pergamum simply
refined the process (Kenyon, 1932, p.
the end of the first century BC, parchment
began to increase in popularity due to the
availability of off cuts to be used for
ephemera such as tags and labels (Reed, 1975,
p. 47). Other advantages of parchment over
papyrus was its flexibility and the fact that
both sides of the parchment could be written
on. Also the writing was easier to read and
corrections easier to make (Reed, 1972, p.
5). By the third century AD, parchment was
the preferred writing medium for all purposes
(Reed, 1975, p. 53).
- Scroll
versus Codex
In the
early Roman period single sheets were
generally used for ephemera such as speech
drafts or memoranda, but until 200 AD texts
of any appreciable length were on scrolls
(Reed, 1975, p. 58). Papyrus and parchment
scrolls were constructed in similar manners
but whereas papyrus was merely glued
together, the parchment sheets were stitched.
The parchment scrolls therefore had a
stronger join and were more durable (Reed,
1975, p. 58).
the first two centuries AD the scroll
gradually disappeared in favour of the codex.
Kenyon (1932, p. 119) believes that scrolls
were used by pagan religions and the codex
was brought to prominence by the early
Christian religions. Reed (1972, p. 5)
believed that the ease in which parchment can
be made into a codex (while papyrus was not
structural suitable) could be the main
reason, but then in 1975 (p. 58) Reed
believed the reasons for this are more
obscure; either way they are certainly
outside the realm of this
- Specialised
Parchment Types
Due to
the range of tasks that parchment was
required for, a number of specialised
parchment types came into being.
- Uterine
the middle ages, some parchment was made
from the skins of unborn animals. In the
animal foetus, the skin develops early so
that at a tender age it has a well-formed
dermal network which is both thin and
strong. It also has minimal if any hair to
be removed. Due to these properties,
uterine parchments were highly regarded as
quality materials (Reed, 1975, p. 76).
Uterine parchments could have easily been
made from sheep, goats and calves, but due
to the small sizes of these skins, calves
were the main material used, as they
retained the largest cutting area (Reed,
1975, p. 77).
- Goldbeater's
parchment was made from the caecum of
cattle intestine. This form of parchment
was processed and formed the same as
ordinary parchment, It is however thin,
tough, resilient and can stretch without
breaking. Goldbeaters use it to separate
sheets of gold when building a block which
can then be hammered into finer leaves of
gold (Reed, 1975, p. 77).
- Transparent
was a requirement for transparent forms of
parchment in the scriptoria for scribes to
use as "tracing paper" for tracing
decorative elements when illuminating
manuscripts. Transparent parchment has
also been used in spectacles, magnifying
glasses and as a window material when
glass was not available (Reed, 1975, p.
- Introduction
of Paper
Up to
about 1520 AD parchment remained popular and
the trade guilds supplied sufficient
quantities for book producers, but at this
time, paper and printing from movable type
had become firmly established (Reed, 1975, p.
95). Even after the advent of wood-block
printing and moveable metal type, parchment
did continue to be used (Hunter, 1943, p. 16)
but mainly as a binding material to cover
paper books. Even this trade died out in the
17th Century as these bindings were
considered to be too plain. Reed (1975, p.
95) sums up the current usage of parchment as
continues to be made, being used for legal
documents, archival records, warrants and
certificates, but its total production is now
very slight and, apart from copies of
historically important texts, literary works
are rarely committed to its
- Technology
- Early
Tanning Process
An 800 BC
Sumerian account gave the following for
dressing a fresh ox-hide:
skin, you will take it, Then you will drench
it in pure pulverised Nisaba flour, in water,
beer and first quality wine, With the best
fat of pure ox, the alum of the land of the
Hittites, and oak galls, you will press it
and you will cover the bronze kettle-drum
with it(Reed, 1976, p. 25).
And a
Carchemish text of about 600 BC
will steep the skin of a young goat with the
milk of a yellow goat and with flour, you
will anoint it with pure oil, ordinary oil
and fat of a pure cow, You will soak the alum
in grape juice and then cover the skin with
gall nuts (Reed, 1975, p. 25).
tanners appear to use a very simple done
liquor baths approach to tanning skins. The
bath generally contained warm aqueous
solutions of vegetable matter consisting of
twigs, stalks, leaves, nuts and fruit of soft
green plants and/or wood, bark and galls of
shrubs and trees (Reed, 1975, p. 26). The
plant matter would ferment naturally and the
enzymes produced would break down the plant
carbohydrates to smaller organic substances
such as lactic or acetic acids (Reed, 1975,
p. 26). The bath served three
- Dehairing:
The enzymes in the liquor bath
loosened the base of the hair follicles,
allowing the hair to be easily and
mechanically removed (Reed, 1975, p.
- Loosening:
The enzymes also loosened and digested
some of the other substances in the dermal
network which effectively cleaned the pelt
and allowed individual fibres to expand by
absorbing the organic acids from the bath
(Reed, 1975, p. 28).
- Cleaning:
The fermentation of the vegetable matter
produces carbon dioxide gas within the
fibre network of the pelt which, when
rising to the surface of the bath, further
help to clean the pelt (Reed, 1975, p.
the pelts were removed from the liquor
bath, the hair was scraped off with a
knife. Similarly the flesh side was
scraped clean and smooth (Reed, 1975, p.
28). The vegetable tannins produced by the
liquor bath introduced chemical links
between the larger fibres of collagen in
the dermal network which turned the skins
into tanned leather (Reed, 1975, p.
- Tanned
majority of parchments up to 200BC appear to
have been formed in the same manner as the
tanned leather above, with the addition of
the fact that the wet pelt was stretched for
drying. Whenever liquor baths of fermenting
vegetable matter were used, there was some
chance that the resulting parchment would be
vegetable-tanned (Reed, 1975, p.
It was
only when the pelt preparation baths were
simplified by excluding materials rich in
vegetable tannin, that the parchments
manifested properties different to leather
(Reed, 1975, p. 43).
- Parchment
Making Process
to Reed (1975, p. 72) the first known text on
parchment making is the Lucca Manuscript
written in a Northern Italian monastery
in the 8th Century AD:
parchment is to be prepared: place [the
skin] in lime water and leave it there
for a few days. Then extend it on a frame and
scrape it on both sides with a sharp knife
and leave it to dry (Codex
a 12th Century scholar has a more detailed
set of instructions:
goat skins and stand them in water for a day
and a night. Take them and wash them until
the water runs clear. Take an entirely new
bath and place therein old lime and water
mixing well to form a thick cloudy liquor.
Place the skins in this, folding them on the
flesh side. Move them with a pole two or
three times each day, leaving them for eight
days (and twice as long in winter). Next you
must withdraw the skins and unhair them. Pour
off the contents of the bath and repeat the
process using the same quantities, placing
the skins in the lime liquor and moving them
once each day over eight days as before. Ten
take them out and wash well until the water
runs quite clean. Place them in another bath
with clean water and leave them there for two
days. Then take them out, attach cords and
tie them to the circular frame. Dry, then
shave them with a sharp knife after which
leave them for two days out of the sun.
Moisten with water and rub the flesh side
with powdered pumice. After two days wet it
again by sprinkling with a little water and
fully clean the flesh side with pumice so as
to make it quite wet again. Then tighten up
the cords, equalise the tension so that the
sheet will become permanent. Once the sheets
are dry, nothing further remains to be
done. (Reed, 1975, p. 74).
- Choice
of skin
A wide
variety of skins seemed to have been used
to make parchment, predominantly calf,
sheep and goat. Reed (1975, p. 19) states
that and goat skins were preferred to be
used as actual manuscript leaves while
pigs or hog skin was used for bindings.
However, Szczepanowska (1999, p. 38)
carried out an analysis of a sample of
14th Century books of edicts from the
Order of St John; all parchments examined
were determined to have been made from
goat skins only.
(1975, p. 76) quotes a dialogue between
two 15th Century French Monks:
my skin are the prayers and all the
blessings made to Holy
have not calves, goats, kids, Coneys,
hares and cats skin? As vellum they may be
well written upon? To be sure their
parchment is worth more than your skin
which serves you less.
(1975, p. 76) quotes a 10th Century text
from Cordova, Spain:
from the inner layers of deer and gazelle
skinsKenyon (1932, p. 86) also refers
to a practice of using antelope
- Soaking
the Skin
first step in creating parchment, is to
wet or soak the recently flayed skin in
water. This process removes blood, dung
and other organic matter, but it also wets
all parts of the skin to allow easier
penetration of the dehairing liquor (Reed,
1975, p. 80). In modern practice this
soaking is carried out as rapidly as
possible, finishing off with running water
to minimise the loss of skin fibres by any
bacterial action which might result from
the use of static baths (Reed, 1975, p.
- The
Liquor Bath
It is
not known when lime was first used in the
preparation of skins, (Gansser, 1950, p.
2944) but it is apparent from the Lucca
manuscript that they were used by the 8th
Century AD. However, there appears to be
no evidence that these lime baths had
replaced the earlier method of using baths
of fermenting vegetable matter (Reed,
1975, p. 80). Indeed, the Book of Kells an
8th Century calfskin parchment shows no
evidence of being placed in a lime bath,
or even that any form of acid or alkali
was used in its preparation (Cains, 1992,
p. 54).
purpose of the lime bath is to soften and
dissolve the epidermal layer that lines
the hair follicles thus making the hair
easier to remove (Cains, 1992, p. 50).
There also appears to be some evidence
that urine was used as an alternative to
lime to complete this task (Gansser, 1950,
p. 2941).
to Reed (1975, p. 81) the dehairing
liquors would have been contained in
wooden or hollowed out stone vats of
approximately 2 metres long, 1 metre wide
and 1 metre deep. Reed also states that
these vats would have contained one or two
dozen skins at a time. Metal vats would
not have been used due to the potential of
metal-staining the skins.
lime is only slightly soluble in water,
the lime baths are relatively weak.
However, they are still very efficient and
dangerous to human skin; hence Theophilus'
instruction to use wooden poles to move
the skins around to ensure a uniform
reaction within the lime bath (Reed, 1975,
p. 81).
- Removing
the Hair
skins were removed from the bath and,
while still wet, were draped over a wooden
or stone beam. The loosened hair could be
removed using a metal or stone knife. Reed
(1975, p. 81) believes that the hair was
so loose that it could be pushed off with
the hands, provided they were protected by
stout gloves.
- Resoaking
and rewashing
(1972, p. 81) considers the second lime
bath suggested by Theophilus to be a sound
practice as the action of lime on the
dermal fibre network layer is slow. He
believes that if the time devoted to
liming is curtailed, then the skin may be
uneven in character, thus difficult to
stretch evenly which leads to parchment of
variable colour and opacity.
if the skin is left in the lime baths too
long, then the fibre network may become
too weak, developing holes in the dermal
layer and the skin may not be able to
withstand the stretching required for
parchment (Reed, 1972, p. 81).
(1972, p. 82) also states that plain lime
baths are too slow for commercial modern
production of parchment and leather and
the lime is now augmented by the addition
of sodium sulphide into the
the second lime bath, the skin is well
washed in running water to remove any
traces of lime left adhering to the skin.
Any residual lime can cause the same
problems as if the skin was left lying in
the lime solution (Reed, 1972, p.
- Stretching
the skin is removed from the liquor bath,
the fibre network is runs in all
directions and is very meshed. If the
fibres have not been excessively tanned,
the fibre network may be stretched when
drying. This leads to a number of the
fibres being broken under tension when
drying and this allows the remaining
fibres to become aligned into layers
parallel to the grain (Reed, 1975, p.
stretching is accomplished with the aid of
smooth pebbles of stone which were pressed
around the edge of the wet skin. One end
of stout cords were tied around the
pebbles and the other end attached to a
drying frame, thus the skin could be dried
under tension (Reed, 1975, p.
frame was usually an open form which
allowed both surfaces to be worked on at
the same time. Both sides of the skin were
scraped with a sharp knife to smooth the
surface and produce a sheet of uniform
thickness. Mostly the work was carried out
on the flesh side, as the grain side
merely needed any remaining fine hairs to
be removed (Reed, 1975, p. 82). The knife
does not cut through the skin, but rather
pushes and separates the softened fat,
flesh and gland tissue from the tougher
collagen fibre (Cains, 1992, p.
If the
skin is not placed under sufficient
tension, rougher grains and transparent
regions may develop in the dried parchment
(Reed, 1975, p. 84).
- Drying
the drying process, the decomposed
collagen glue also dries to a firm
consistency and sets the layers of fibres
into the stretched condition; the fibres
cannot revert to their former relaxed
state. Reed (1975, p. 44) sums up the
process thusly:
results in a highly stressed sheet which
is smooth, strong, relatively inelastic,
light in colour, yet opaque: a material
which may properly be called
- Pre-use
the parchment was used by the scribes, it
usually underwent a number of pre-treatments
to improve smoothness and ability to absorb
the correct amount of inks and colours (Reed,
1975, p. 87). Other desirable attributes were
to increase whiteness of the surface, remove
stains and drops of fluid and to enhance
grain patterns if required (Reed, 1972, p.
- Pouncing
is the rubbing of pumice powder into the
flesh side of the parchment in order to
produce a smooth, silky nap to which the
inks will adhere. It also allows the inks
to penetrate deep into the fibres which
adds to the permanence of the writing. As
this treatment requires the parchment to
be damp while the pumice is applied, it
needs to be conducted while the parchment
is still on the drying frame (Reed, 1975,
p. 88).
- Stanchgrain
is the common name given to a variety of
thin pastes comprised of varying
quantities of lime, quicklime, flour, egg
white and milk. When these pastes are
rubbed into the parchment surface with a
damp cloth, they produced an extremely
smooth, hard, even, white appearance. The
varieties of as stanchgrain were believed
to create parchments of outstanding
quality (Reed, 1975, p.
- Other
variety of treatments for parchment can be
simple or complex and are designed for a
number of different reasons; to prevent
ink from running, to even out the surface
or to whiten the appearance (Reed, 1975,
p. 90).
running of ink and poor adhesion of ink
were thought to be due to an excess of
grease left in the parchment after the
lime bath, hence a number of different
solutions were devised to remove the
grease at this stage of the process. These
treatments were mainly composed of calcium
compounds such as lime, chalk or woodash
and were applied as either dry powders or
wet pastes (Reed, 1975, p. 90).
(1999, p. 39) analysed a sample of 14th
Century books from the Order of St John;
the calcium carbonate in the samples of
ground were identified as a mixture of
calcite (CaCO3) and vaterite; a form of
CaCO3 that rarely occurs in nature.
Szczepanowska believes the presence of
vaterite may indicate that the calcite
used for the pre-treatments was of
artificial origin.
- Colouring
(1979, p. 620) quotes a 5th Century
vulgate Bible currently housed in the
Capitular Library of Verona which was
written on crimson vellum, which has since
aged to purple; thus it is not safe to
assume all parchments were
a 15th Century craftsman provides recipes
to tint parchment a variety of colours
including purple, indigo, green red and
peach. He was also aware of the changes
this would wrought in the parchment, and
so offers the following advice:
you want to tint kid parchment, you should
first soak it in spring or well water
until it gets all wet and soft. Then,
stretching it over a board, like a drum
skin, fasten it down with big-headed
nails, and apply the tints to it in due
course, as described above.(Thompson,
1960. p. 10)
- 3.4.5
Byzantine Pre-treatments
parchment is characterised by a glossy
smooth surface. It is believed that Greek
parchment-makers polished it thoroughly
and used egg-white and flax-seed and to
obtain such an effect (Bykova, 1993, p.
there are no historical documents on the
methods to manufacture parchment in
medieval Greece are known. Kireyeva (1999,
p. 40) confirmed with thin-layer
chromatography that egg-white and linseed
extract were used to coat the parchment on
a sample amount of Byzantine manuscripts
dating from 11th to 14th centuries AD.
Dried albumen is very fragile and required
the linseed extract to give the treatment
the elasticity and strength necessary for
a surface coating. As it is obvious that
the treatment was applied more thickly on
the flesh side of the parchment, it is
assumed this was to make the two sides
indistinguishable for use (Kireyeva, 1999,
p. 41).
one other surface treatment was found by
Kireyeva (1999, p. 42) consisted of a
coating of collagen glue, casein and lead
white. It has been assumed that this was
applied by 14th Century Byzantine
Parchment-makers in
- Transparent
Parchment Process
transparent parchment seemed to be used in
the scriptorium based on the number of
recipes provided by the monasteries. One such
15th Century recipe is:
make parchment as though it were glass take a
thin parchment preferably from a kid slain
which is already reasonably transparent. If
you can find such a parchment scrape it with
a knife as thinly as possible. Then soak the
scraped parchment in the whites of eggs which
have been allowed to go rotten, or in a
watery solution of gum Arabic in a fish glue
which has been diluted with water or in a
glue made by filtering through a cloth or a
glue made from the shavings of this or any
other parchment.
when the parchment has been softened in one
of the above ways, stretch it on a frame as
you stretch parchments normally after taking
the pelt from the lime bath. When the
parchment is dry it is ready. But when it
seems after drying that it had insufficient
of the liquor, take a sponge moistened with
the latter and smear the parchment on both
sides until you think it is all right. And
then if you place the parchment over any
picture the latter is clearly visible through
it and you can draw upon the parchment a true
likeness of the picture you wish to copy
(Reed, 1975, p. 85).
particular recipe recommends that to make the
parchment transparent it should be rubbed
with highly hydroscopic substances, but Reed
(1975, p. 85) believed that the transparency
may have been more influenced by the lack of
tension under drying such as discussed in
Section 3.3.5 of this paper. This is
evidenced by the following recipe from
Cennini (a 15th Century craftsman) which uses
an oil which is not highly
If you
want it more transparent, take some clear and
fine linseed oil; and smear it with some of
this oil on a piece of cotton. Let it dry
thoroughly, for the space of several days
(Thompson, 1960, p. 12).
In 18th
Century England, Edwards a famous bookbinder,
in 1785 devised a new process of producing
transparent parchment by steeping ordinary
parchment in a solution of potassium
carbonate and drying it by pressing it
between two wooden boards without any form of
stretching (Reed, 1975, p.
- Chemical
The lime
bath and mechanical dehairing in the preparation
of parchment leaves the animal skins consisting
almost entirely of collagen fibres. These fibres
are composed of long chains of amino acids;
mainly glycine, proline, hydroxyproline.
Chemical bonds between these chains maintain the
fibre structure and render it insoluble in cold
water (Woods, 1995, p. 222).
will dissolve in water on heating if it has been
exposed to prolonged treatment with acid or
alkali (such as the liming process) which causes
breaks in the intermolecular bonds (Woods, 1995,
p. 222).
When heated
to 65oC for unprocessed skins or 55-60oC for
limed skins, the intermolecular amino acid
chains shrink to about one-third of their
original length, causing the collagen to become
rubbery in texture. On boiling in water, the
amino acids chains separate and go into solution
forming gelatin (Woods, 1995, p.
requires the natural fibre weave of the skin to
be changed to a horizontally layered structure
by applying tension to the skin. (Woods, 1995,
p222) When the wet skin is mechanically
stretched, it rearranges the fibres into the
layered structure and the drying of the gelatin
keeps the fibres there. As wet skin dries in the
air, water is lost from between the fibres
within the skin and the high surface tension
draws the fibres together. Adjacent fibre
surfaces firmly stick to each other, causing a
translucent and rigid sheet. During parchment
production, tension is applied to the wet skin,
causing the water to be forced out from between
the fibres. Spaces between fibres remain and the
dry skin is flexible and opaque (Woods, 1995, p.
- Durability
The main
reason for the permanence of parchment is its
ability to absorb or release water vapour to
the atmosphere. A sheet of ordinary parchment
(not having any surface treatments referred
to in Section 3.4) contains about 10% of its
weight as water at a relative humidity of
50%. (Reed, 1975, p. 92).
- High
Relative Humidity
If the
atmosphere becomes damp at around 70%
Ð 80% relative humidity the water
content in the parchment will increase to
about 25%. However this is a slow process
since two to five days in required for
this to occur. If this happens, the
parchment sheets will cockle and then
become soft and limp reverting to the wet
pelt state with the loss of the
characteristic layered arrangement of the
fibres. Similar results would occur if the
parchment comes into prolonged contact
with liquid water (Reed, 1975, p.
of the treatments used on the manuscripts
were designed to minimise this form of
damage by sealing the pores of the
parchment and incorporating traces of
alum, fats or vegetable tannins into the
fibre network (Reed, 1975, p.
- Low
Relative Humidity
exposure to an environment under 40%
relative humidity will dry out parchment
and bring its water content to below 10%.
Once again this is a slow process which
may take several months or years.
Prolonged exposure to this environment
will turn the parchment harder and
harsher, eventually cracks would appear in
the surface and the inks and paints will
detach (Reed, 1975, p. 94).
again some of the medieval pre-treatments
minimised the rate of water absorption or
loss. To counter the effects of alum,
fatty substances and vegetable tannins
(described in section 4.1.1), some
hydroscopic substances were introduced
included gum arabic, honey, parchment glue
and egg white (Reed, 1975, p.
- Summary
plays an important process in the history of
writing and recording human evolution. The
processes by which parchment is made and used
are extremely complex but also extremely
effective as evidenced by the different number
of functions it was used for and the quantity of
manuscripts that are still in existence
- Bibliography
G. Z. (1993). Medieval Painting on
Parchment: preservation & restoration.
Restaurator, 14(3), 188-197.
Anthony. (1992). The vellum of the Book of
Kells. The Paper Conservator, 16,
Cennino d'Andrea. (1933). Craftsman's
Handbook "Il Libro dell'Atre". Thompson, D.
V. (Trans.) New York: Dover. (Original work
published 1437)
Harry. (1979). Special Report: the
restoration of manuscripts at EuropeÕs
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Authored by Jehan,
and Yseult