11th May ASXXVI (1991)
UNTO: All Scribes
FROM: Alarice Beatrix von Thal, Lochac Provost of Scribes
Welcome to April Scribenotes (yes, I know it's a bit late - exams again!), and Happy New Year! I've got quite a lot to cover, so Ill get straight into it.
Assignments Recalled
The following AA assignments have been with scribes for over 12 months. If you wish to retain them, you MUST contact me by JUNE 15. If you fail to contact me then the assignments will be made available to other scribes after this date. If you are interested in taking one of these assignments, you may contact me after June 15 (not before). These assignments will be given priority.
- Kiriel du Papillion
- Peter the Uncertain
- Richard de la Croix
- Robin the Ruthless in Battle
- Ysabeau Chanteuse
- Brodhir MacDathi
- Geoffrey Jeffries
- Constancia Luiza de Almada
- Mary Graham
- Michael Viralier
- Valerian Zakharevitch ...
- Aaron of Lichgreen
- Viviana de Castelloza
The following original assignments have been held for over 18 months. The same applies to these - if you wish to retain these assignments you MUST contact me by JUNE 15, or they will be available for reassignment.
- Richard de la Croix (KSCA)
- Robert Gordon of Ravensbrook (KSCA)
- Reynardine de Clifford (KSCA)
- Torold of Hawkhurst (KSCA)
- Elfinn of Mona (KSCA)
(Are people having a mental block with Knight's scrolls?)
In addition, the following AA scrolls have been completed, but were either returned by the heralds for errors or have gone missing. These are available for reassignment immediately.
- Maredudd Goch...
- Veronica le Gris
- Decion of Trefiw Wold
- Deorwulf Rathbrand
- Astrid Towers
If you have information that any of the above scrolls are in fact in the hands of the recipients, please contact me immediately.
Well, that's all of the bad news. Sorry to have to get tough on people, but some of these awards are very old. I frequently get enquiries from award recipients who notice very new award scrolls being handed out, who fear they have been forgotten. So occasionally I have to be tough.
Scribe of the Year
The moment you have all been waiting for!
First, the Scribe of the Month this month is Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada, with a total of 15 points. Many thanks go to Rhianwen, not only for her efforts this month, but for her efforts throughout the year, also co- ordinating the work of scribes in Aneala. You have made my job easier.
Secondly, the overall winner for the year is (drum roll please) Myfanway of Aberyswyth with a total of 27 points. Myfanwy wins for herself a one year society membership, and she will find the cheque enclosed with her copy of Scribenotes. Apart from this impressive tally, Myfanwy also deserves mention for the quality of her work, which is always breathtaking. Many thanks!
Close runners-up for their work throughout the year are Richard de la Croix, Rhianwen ni Dhiarmada and Marit the Wanderer. While they do not win a prize, their efforts are noticed and appreciated.
Finally, I have tried to keep the records as best I can - sometimes difficult because not everyone signs their scrolls. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the scores for the year, however, the judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into (so please don't ring me up to argue about scores). Myfanwy was a clear winner.
Award Blanks
I have had several enquiries from scribes interested in doing designs for AA blanks to replace existing ones. My philosophy on the subject is this...
Originally six blanks were designed, and 100 printed of each. This is a total of 600 potential award scrolls - allowing for mistakes, returns and lost sheep, that still amounts to a hefty supply. Some of the styles are more popular however, and will run out faster. I feel that when a design runs out, we should come up with a new design to replace it. In this way we provide some variety for scribes and also maintain a little of the uniqueness of the finished product. Twenty years down the track, those holding "one of the six original" blanks will have artefacts.
As I'm sure you all know, the late gothic design was replaced late last year because the original design was found to be difficult and time consuming to colour. It is still available to those who really want to do it (and it looks quite impressive when it is finally done). I was not planning to replace any other designs until supplies ran low.
I am now beginning to run low on the Early Gothic and Carolingian designs. Given that there is little opportunity to have your work immortalised in this way I am opening up the designing of these replacements to anyone who is interested. If you are interested, come up with a rough design (layout and calligraphy) and send it to me by July 31. From those submitted I will choose the one which I believe is the most pleasing and the most different from the other styles (after all, the idea of having six designs was to match people's personas and provide some diversification).
Elsewhere in this issue is a set of guidelines for the AA blank designs. Pay particular attention to allowing enough room for variable name and blazon lengths. Allow PLENTY of room for the seals. The Lochac seals measure approximately 8cm for the Principality and 6cm for the Herald's seal. (The Kingdom seals are slightly smaller). The further away the illumination is from the seals, the less chance that runaway wax will ruin the design. The illumination should be sufficient to provide a reasonable amount of colour, but not take too long to colour in. Opportunities in the illumination for the scribe to add individual elements will be considered a good thing (for instance, the late gothic design allows you to make up your own diaper). I'm sure that if you have done AA assignments, you are aware of improvements that can be made in the present designs and probably have ideas of your own on how to do them.
Remember, the designs which are to be replaced are the Carolingian (the current one has text in two columns with an illuminated T) and the Early Gothic (with To All And Singular at the top with vinework, and an illuminated U draped with beasties). The Carolingian blank should represent the illumination of 8th to 12th Century Europe and the Early Gothic should represent 13th to 15th Century illumination.
If you are interested you must provide a rough design by the end of July. The design chosen can then be done and printed hopefully by the end of the year, to replace the current blanks. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Not including the withdrawal of assignments outlined earlier, the statement of assignment statistics run as follows:
AA Pre-Printed 61
Leaf Originals 2
Other Originals 21
AA Pre-Printed 32
Leaf Originals 6
Other Originals 15
The AA list has blown out a little due to the addition of some 55 new assignments, although thankfully many of these have already been assigned. Late last year a huge number of heraldic submissions were processed, and these have now been added to my lists. The list of old assignments grows ever shorter, thanks to all your efforts.
The Late Gothic Blank
If you have used the new late gothic blank, you will probably have noticed that the paper used to print it is a little different from the one used to print the other blanks.
You may find that it resists paint and ink a little. (Actually, it's not bad for fine illumination, as the printing resists guache, so that if you are a little messy, the paint will "peel back" within the lines anyway.) While this does not seem to effect the permanency of the finished product, you may well be wise to try out your inks/guaches on the paper before completing the scroll. If the brand you are using does not "take" to the paper, you may have to switch brands. Just do a little, let it dry for a few hours, and then try rubbing it off with a clean finger. If it rubs off, change brands.
My Successor
Despite announcements in last Scribenotes, I am now intending to probably retain the office until Twelfth Night. To the hundreds of you eager to take on the job, I hope you don't mind waiting the extra four months to gain control, but there a few projects I would like to complete before I hand the baby on.
However, I will definitely hand on by Twelfth Night. At the time I wrote the last Scribenotes, I was a little bogged down with work/study etc, hence my eagerness to discard responsibilities. My load has now lighted a little hence my renewed enthusiasm. But I am realistic enough to know that this will not continue for long, so I won't bother you forever with my wavering from decision. To those of you who expressed verbal interest in the job, I would appreciate you putting it in writing. As stated originally, I will not be making the decision about my successor; my superior William the Lucky will do that. I will need to send him something in writing so that he can do that. If you want further information about job specifics before you make a commitment, just ask me.
Roll of Arms Update
I mentioned some time ago that Richard de la Croix was working on a second update to the Lochac Roll of Arms, and I have received a number of enquiries from scribes eager to obtain a copy as to when it would be available. It has now been completed.
As many of you will know, Rowan Perigrynne designed and distributed a Lochac Roll of Arms some years ago. This is a book which displays all of the registered arms in Lochac, including blazons. Besides being a valuable asset to heralds when providing ideas to those designing their own devices, it is an impressive display of the arms of Lochac and quite a work of art. It is printed in black and white so that if you are ambitious you can colour it in yourself. The first edition included the 100 devices which had been registered at that time. The second edition, which has been completed in the same style, has added around 200 new devices which have been registered in Lochac up to November 1990. Richard has also correct the errors which appeared in the first edition.
Many of you will be familiar with pages of the Roll of Arms, because I have been using copies from it when original submission sheets have been unavailable for enclosure with assignments.
As stated, the second edition has not been completed and is with the Crux Australis Herald (Decion) for distribution. Watch out in the Camel (the Crux Australis' newsletter - received by your local herald) for details on how to obtain a copy. You will probably find it a valuable asset for scribing if your knowledge of heraldry is not extensive.
As always, I am in need of couriers to transport scrolls to the West. If you know of someone planning to go to the West (San Francisco specifically) who would be willing to transport a scroll case, please contact me. In return I offer my eternal (well, almost) gratitude.
I can also use couriers around Lochac. I am not able to travel as much as I'd like. If you are travelling around the country (particularly to places distant from Rowany such as Aneala) and would be able to transport scrolls, please let me know. Also, former Royalty, if you are visiting Rowany, please let me know - I may have scrolls for you to sign.
Well that's it from me for this month. Attachments this month are some pointers on calligraphy and the AA blank requirements.
Until next time, I remain, Yours in Service